Beetroot is round red-coloured vegetable which is produced under ground. Scientifically it is a root and is of dirt-like taste. It belongs to family Brassicaceae. Botanical name for beetroot is Beta vulgaris and commonly known as Chunkandara in Hindi. The vegetable is available all across the country and is source of much of health significant.
Nutritional Elements:
• Vitamins C and B9 (Folate)
• Minerals
- Iron
- Potassium
- Zinc
- Magnesium
• Protein
• Carbohydrates
- Dietary Fiber
- Sugar
• Zero Fat
Beetroot is vital cradle of antioxidants. This helps fighting against common diseases like cough and cold. It is annual vegetable, produced generally during summer in India. Beetroot is also advantageous for anaemic patients as it aids to haemoglobin elevation.
Consumption Methods:
• Salad
• Soup
• Cooked with other vegetables